The forest is a mysterious and magical place.
It’s one of those earthly places where the human being is accepted and tolerated, but he’s not always a welcome guest.
They are those places where human beings are not the majority.
But unlike seas, mountains and expanses of ice, which are places where men can live by claiming their nature, to live in a forest, man must become a creature of the woods and allow his vision of the world to change, on pain of death.
I am Roman, and I know that the origins of the Latin people are hidden in the woods.
Before the foundation of Rome with an Etruscan rite, the Capitoline Hill and the wood that covered its slopes were the reign of the fugitive god Saturn. Saturn, hidden in the woods, taught the peoples of Lazio (whose name derives from the Latin term “Latium”, which means “hidden”) the art of agriculture, inaugurating for the Latins ‘The golden age ‘, that is, an era of peace and abundance
Saturn initiated the ancestors of Rome to the civilisation of customs and the secret laws of civil life. All ancient civilisations have performed the most sacred and secret initiation rites in the woods since the dawn.
The wood was the most sacred and naturally inviolable temple of humanity.
If you love the woods as I do, their sacredness and their magic, you can read J.Frazer’s essay by the anthropologist “The Golden Bough”.
You will have fun and be surprised.
Witches have always been regular visitors to the woods.
Searching for medicinal herbs or herbs to prepare magical ointments and potions is the most essential activity for witches, ancient and modern. WICCA (the neopagan movement founded in 1954 by Gerald Gardner) also refers to this ancient woodland tradition.
The Sabbath has always occurred in a secluded clearing deep in the woods.
Don’t also forget the fairies, the gnomes, and the elves all over the planet always live in the woods, the most magical place there is. So if you go to the woods be sure that, sooner or later, you will meet these hosts.
Be respectful guests. Know that someone will be watching you, always.
I have had the most significant experiences of my life in the woods.
I have imagined and fantasised several times about how my death will happen.
I visualised it several times in a dream: it was always in a wood where I felt at home, at peace with myself and the whole universe.
The hardest thing was to find the way in that magical world to reach the other world.
But I don’t get discouraged easily.
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