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Repeat it, over and over again…



Repetition is one of the most effective methods for exercising memory and facilitating learning in humans (children and adults).

As children, we learn a lot from simple nursery rhymes, whose musical cadence reminds us of the reassuring lullabies sung by mothers.

In primary schools, it’s customary to have children memorise poems and songs.

The Latins said that “repetita juvant”: is always helpful to repeat a concept, a sentence, or a poem. Everything will remain indelible in your mind.


But if the mind is like mouldable clay at will, always be attentive to the communicative world surrounding you.

Consider how often a repeated advertising slogan wants to lead you to a specific purchase.

Even official information, obsessively repeating certain news to you (sometimes true, sometimes false), manipulates your mind and your reactions by inducing you to act in specific ways.


Repetition is the heart and strength of prayer in all religious forms.

We pray daily and often do so collectively.

Many religions have adopted the prayer form of the “rosary”. Examples are the Indian “mala,” the Islamic “tasbih,” and the Japanese Buddhist “yuzu.”

There are also forms of sacred graphic repetition, such as oriental “mandalas”, used to convey calm and serenity in the person who draws them. The shape chosen to make these drawings is the circular one, that is, the one that represents the eternal continuity of the cycle of things and beings, which is destined to repeat itself but never in the same way, never perfectly equal to itself.


Everything that is repeated shapes and settles in our minds and soul.

So it’s essential to remain attentive and aware of what you listen to and say.

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