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The world game



When I discovered the existence of alchemy, I was immediately fascinated by the subject.

I started studying it right away.

And the more I studied it as one of the branches of natural philosophy, the more I became convinced that it was one of the oldest games ever invented: the world game.

Everyone can participate following precise basic rules, but to win, as in the chess game, you have to create your own original strategy.

In short, you have to unleash the artist within you.

Because of its importance, all the most ancient human societies and cultures have practised alchemy since the dawn of time.

Alchemy is an art that has survived intact to this day.


There are four phases in the alchemical game:

  1. Nigredo or melanosis

  2. Albedo or leucosis

  3. Citrinitas or xanthosis

  4. Rubedo or iosis

To win the final prize, the ‘ Philosopher’s Stone ‘, we must master some esoteric languages ​​(such as that of symbols), practice some specific actions and overcome all four phases.

I am convinced that to keep alchemical art (whose key word is ‘transmutation’) safe from any abuse, alchemists have wisely created a material ‘backdrop’ capable of concealing the secret scenario, the spiritual one.

Therefore they created a double scientific scenario: the material deals with the study and transmutation of the elements of matter; the spiritual one leads the individual through a continuous change of his awareness towards the most authentic knowledge of his own being.

The alembic is for the most materialistic individuals, and the human heart, which turns from black to red, is, for the spiritual alchemists, the gold of one’s divine nature.


Unsurprisingly, the most authoritative scholars (and practitioners) of alchemical art were the highest religious and political power representatives. Not by chance, many of them were also eminent scientists.

Many alchemists were artists.

Many different paths can be chosen to conquer the philosopher’s stone, but some seem to be the most direct.

The safest ways to achieve success are those roads where discipline, introspective isolation, and creativity must be practised daily.


If you still do not feel irresistibly attracted to alchemy as it happened to me, I recommend you to take a look at one of the most famous and strange books dedicated to “Opus Magnus”: the “Mutus Liber”.

The main feature of this book, whose author remains hidden behind a pseudonym, is that of being composed of 15 illustrated plates, of which only the 1st, 13th and 14th are accompanied by short, enigmatic texts.

If you are fascinated, it means that you are ready to start the search for the “stone”, and your journey will begin under the best auspices.


Alchemy is the world game or the art of life.

The oldest alchemical symbol is the ouroboros, the snake that biting its tail generates the world. The primordial serpent represents wisdom and knowledge that produces a circular, perfect and perennial movement, feeding on itself.

None can escape from himself.

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